Downtown LA Photoshoot
A few weeks ago I went out with LA model Kristen Totten and did a little wandering around and took a number of photos so I thought I would post a few of them here since this will be the last of the shoots I'm planning on doing for a little while. Most of my summer is filling up pretty fast with projects and I don't know how many more random shoots I'll be doing while I prep my new projects. If all goes well I hope to have my new work ready by the end of summer... so stay tuned.

Posted by - Christopher at 9:10 PM | read on
Wandering around the desert...
Here's a few shots I never really got to show anyone. A while ago my brother my friends and myself all piled into my car and went to this place way the hell out in the desert called the Trona Pinnacles. A number of movies and commercials are shot there and at the time we went to go scout it for a live action version of an animated film I was working on. It was a good day... lots of laughs. Here's a few shots from the trip. I find it helps to hold a boombox over your head blasting David Bowie's Life on Mars when you look at them.

Posted by - Christopher at 1:34 PM | read on