STUART NG BOOKS : A Hidden Gem of a Bookstore
A few years ago my brother was showing me where he gets a lot of his rare and hard to find art books. Things that you won't find anywhere else and the kind of books that really help with creative inspiration and blue sky thinking. That place is Stuart Ng Books.If you live in Los Angeles and are interested in animation or contemporary illustrative art... this is the place to go. Many great artists and illustrators have passed through Stuart's shop and many of them leave their mark with one of a kind sketchbooks and compilations that you simply can't get anywhere else. Numerous Pixar artist create one of a kind printed compliations and original story work that are inspiring and fun to flip through and are the kind of work that you will never find anywhere else. Some of my favortie things to look though there are the rare and private sketchbooks by Chris Sanders (The creator of Lilo and Stitch) and Mike Mignola (Creator of Hellboy) as well as countless other tomes of conceptual art and design. If you are an artist or work in the industry you should definitely run down to Torrance on a Saturday and check out his shop. Trust me... once you go you'll want to come back every so often to see what he has in stock next!

Posted by - Christopher at 4:40 PM | read on